Historic Zone Game

Game of the Week #43 (4/27/97)
gloc (blk) vs scrat (white)
11-15, 24-20, 8-11, 28-24, 4-8, 22-18, 15-22, 25-18, 10-15, 30-25, 15-22, 25-18, 7-10, 26-22, 12-16, 24-19, 8-12, 29-25, 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 27-24, 3-7, 24-19, 15-24, 32-28, 24-27, 31-24, 7-10, 24-19, 9-13, 21-17, 5-9, 25-21, 1-5, 28-24, 2-6 (blk wins) (a) gloc: when he(scrat) pitch 24-19 15-24 32-28 7-10 is ryans play 27-24 is off book 31-24 7-10 22-17 would have drawn but 24-19 lossed
Game of the Week #44(4/27/97)
Scrat (blk) vs gloc (white)
11-16, 24-19, 9-13, 22-18, 8-11, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 6-9, 26-22, 9-18, 22-18, 4-11, 25-22, 7-10, 29-25, 3-7, 31-26, 11-15, 27-24, 5-9, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 9-14, 20-11, 7-16, 22-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 14-17, 23-18, 16-23, 26-19, 17-26, 30-23, 2-6, 32-28, 6-9, 18-15, 10-14, 15-10, 13-17, 10-6, 9-13, 6-1, 17-22, 1-5, 22-26, 5-9, 14-17, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16 (draw)
Game of the Week #45 (4/27/97)
rusms (blk) vs scrat (white)
11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 26-23, 10-14, 30-26, 7-10, 24-19, 15-24, 27-20, 10-15, 28-24, 6-10, 32-28, 3-8, 22-17, 15-22, 25-18, 9-13, 18-9, 5-14, 24-19, 13-22, 26-17, 11-16, 20-11, 8-24, 28-19, 4-8, 31-26, 8-11, 29-25, 2-7, 17-13, 11-16, 25-22, 7-11, 13-9, 11-15, 9-6, 15-24, 6-2, 24-27, 2-6, 10-15, 6-9, 15-19, 9-18, 27-31, 21-17, 31-27, 17-14, 19-24, 22-17, 24-28, 14-9, 27-31, 26-22, 31-26, 23-19, 16-23, 18-27, 28-32, 27-24, 12-16, 9-5, 16-20, 24-19, 32-27, 22-18, 27-23. (blk wins)
Game of the Week #46 (4/27/97)
scrat (blk) vs rusms (white) (4/27/97)
11-15, 23-19, 7-11, 26-23, 9-14, 30-26, 5-9, 22-18, 15-22, 25-18, 11-15, 18-11, 8-15, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 15-18, 27-23, 18-27, 32-23, 1-5, 24-19, 4-8, 29-25, 2-7, 25-22, 8-11, 22-17, 11-20, 19-15, 10-19, 17-1. 9 (white wins)
Game of the Week #47 (4/27/97)
gloc (blk) vs atuck (white)
11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 27-23, 4-8, 23-19, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 22-17, 15-18, 26-22, 11-15, 17-13, 7-11, 22-17, 2-7, 32-27, 1-15, 30-26, 5-9, 26-22, 11-16, 27-23, 18-27, 22-18, 15-22, 25-18, 14-23, 24-20, 8-11, 31-24, 23-26, 19-15, 10-19, 24-8, 16-19, 8-4, 26-31, 4-8, 19-23, 29-25, 31-26, 25-22, 23-27, 22-18, 27-32, 17-14, 26-22, 14-5, 22-15, 21-17, 15-18, 20-16, 12-19, 5-1, 3-12, 1-3, 18-22. (draw)
Game of the Week #48 (5/1/97)
atuck (blk) vs klmtop aka sun247 (white)
11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 27-23, 4-8, 23-19, 10-14, 19-10, 6-15, 22-17, 15-22, 17-10, 7-14, 26-10, 2-6, 10-7, 3-10, 25-22, 9-13, 32-27, 5-9, 27-23, 11-15, 23-18, 15-19, 24-15, 10-19, 18-15, 9-14, 30-25, 14-18, 21-17, 19-23, 17-14, 23-26, 14-9, 26-30, 9-2, 30-21, 2-7, 18-25, 29-22, 12-16, 22-18, 8-12, 7-11, 16-19, 15-10, 21-25, 10-17, 25-22, 11-16, 22-15, 16-23, 15-10, 7-3, 13-17, 23-18, 17-21, 18-22, 10-15, 3-8, 1-5, 31-27, 5-9, 27-24, 15-10, 8-11, 10-6, 11-15, 6-1, 15-10, 9-13, 24-19. (white wins)
Game of the Week #49 (5/2/97)
atuck (blk) vs llion (white)
11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 27-23, 4-8, 23-19, 9-14, 18x9, 5x14, 22-17, 15-18, 26-22, 11-15, 17-13, 7-11, 22-17, 2-7, 32-27, 1-5, 24-20, 15x24, 28x19, 11-1527-23, 18x27, 31x24, 7-11, 30-26, 15-18, 26-22, 11-15, 20-16, 3-7, 13-9, 6x13, 24-20, 15x24, 22x6, 13x22, 25x9, 5x14, 6-2, 12x19, 2x4, 19-23, 4-8, 23-26, 8-11, 14-18, 11-15, 18-23, 20-16, 26-31, 29-25, 23-26, 25-22, 26-30, 16-11, 24-28, 22-17, 31-26, 17-13, 30-25, 21-17, 25-21, 17-14, 21-17, 14-10, 26-23, 11-7, 28-32, 13-9, 32-28, 9-6, 28-24, 7-3, 23-19, 15-18, 19-16, 3-7, 24-19, 6-2. (white wins)
Game of the Week #50 (5/2/97)
rusms (blk) vs hucabuck (white)
11-15, 23-19, 8-11, 22-17, 11-16, 24-20, 16x23, 27x11, 7x16, 20x11, 3-7, 28-24, 7x16, 24-20, 16-19, 25-22, 19-24, 29-25, 9-14, 22-18, 14x23, 26x19, 5-9, 32-28, 10-14, 17x10, 6x15, 19x10, 2-6, 28x19, 6x24, 25-22, 24-28, 22-18, 9-13, 18-15, 28-32, 15-10, 32-28, 30-26, 4-8, 26-23, 8-11, 10-7, 11-15, 7-3, 15-19, 23x16, 12x19, 2-16, 19-23, 16-11, 1-6, 3-7, 6-9, 11-18, 9-14, 8-3, 14-18, 7-10, 18-22, 21-17, 22-25, 17-14, 25-29. (draw)
Game of the Week #51 (5/3/97)
atuck (blk) vs jbyrns
11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 27-23, 4-8, 23-19, 9-14, 18x9, 5x14, 22-17, 15-18, 26-22, 11-15, 17-13, 7-11, 13-9, 6x13, 24-20, 15x24, 22x6, 1x10, 28x19, 14-18, 31-26, 18-23, 26-22, 23-27, 32x23, 11-15, 19-16, 12x26, 30x23, 8-11, 23-18, 3-7, 21-17, 15-19, 18-15, 11x18, 22x6, 13x22, 25x18, 2x9, 29-25. (draw)
Game of the Week #52 (5/3/97)
jbyrns (blk) vs atuck (white) 5/3/97
11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 27-23, 4-8, 23-19, 18x9, 5x14, 22-17, 15-18, 26-22, 18-23, 19-15, 11x18, 22x15, 10x19, 24x15, 14-18, 31-27, 7-10, 17-14, 10x17, 21x14, 6-10, 14x7, 3x19, 27-24, 12-16, 24x15, 2-7, 28-24, 16-20, 24-19, 8-12, 25-21, 18-22, 21-17, 22-26, 17-14, 1-6, 29-25, 26-31, 25-21, 31-26, 19-16, 12x19, 32-27, 23x32, 30x16, 32-27, 15-11. (white wins)
Game of the Week #53 (5/4/97)
wgober (blk) vs omo (white)
11-15, 24-19, 15x24, 28x19, 8-11, 22-18, 9-14, 18x9, 5x14, 26-22, 11-15, 22-18, 15x24, 18x9, 6x13, 27x20, 4-8, 23-18, 8-11, 18-14, 10x17, 21x14, 11-15, 25-22, 7-11, 29-25, 12-16, 25-21, 16-19, 20-26, 2-7, 32-27, 19-24, 27-23, 24-28, 14-10, 7x14, 22-17, 13x22, 26x10, 28-32, 21-17, 32-18, 17-13,28-32, 13-9, 32-28, 9-6, 15-18, 23x14, 3-7, 10x3, 1x17, 3-7, 11-15, 7-10, 15-19, 31-26, 19-24, 10-14, 17-21. (draw)
Game of the Week #54 (5/4/97)
omo (blk) vs wgober (white)
9-14, 22-17, 11-15, 25-22, 8-11, 29-25, 4-8, 17-13, 15-19, 24x15, 10x19, 23x16, 12x19, 22-18, 14x23, 27x18, 7-10, 25-22, 8-12, 32-27,3-7, 27-23, 5-9, 23x16, 12x19, 26-23, 19x26, 30x23, 11-15, 18x11, 7-16, 28-24, 16-20,. 23-19, 20x27, 31x24, 9-14, 22-17, 14-18, 17-14, 10x17, 21x14, 18-23, 14-10, 6x15, 19x10, 23-27, 24-19, 27-31, 19-16, 31-26, 16-11, 26-23, 10-7, 23-18, 7-3, 1-6, 3-8, 6-9, 13x6, 2x9. (draw)
Game of the Week #55 (5/27/97)
coachretired (blk) vs gober (white)
11-15, 22-18, 15x22, 25x18, 8-11, 29-25, 4-8, 24-20, 10-15, 25-22, 12-16, 21-17, 8-12, 17-13, 7-10, 27-24, 9-14, 18x9, 5x14, 32-27, 3-7, 24-19, 15x24, 28x19, 14-17, 22-18, 1-5, 26-22, 17x26, 31x22, 10-14, 18x9, 5x14, 22-18, 7-10, 18x9, 5x14, 22-18, 7-10, 18x9, 11-15, 20x11, 15x31, 11-7, 2x11, 9x2, 10-15, 2-6, 11-16, 6-10, 15-19, 10-15, 19x26, 30x23, 16-20, 15-19, 31-27, 23-18, 27-32, 18-14, 32-28, 14-9 (draw)
Game of the Week #56 (5/26/97)
cous (blk) vs atuck (white)
11-16, 24-19, 16-20, 22-17, 8-11, 17-13, 11-15, 25-22, 15x24, 28x19, 9-14, 22-18, 4-8, 18x9, 5x14, 29-25, 8-11, 25-22, 11-16, 30-25, 14-17, 21x14, 10x17, 13-9, 6x13, 25-21, 2-6, 21x14, 6-10, 14-9, 10-14, 19-15, 14-17, 15-11, 7-10, 11-7, 17-21, 7-2, 21-25, 2-7, 10-14, 7-11, 25-29, 22-18, 16-19, 23x16, 14x30 (blk wins)
Game of the Week #57 (5/27/97)
dachs (blk) vs gober (white)
11-15, 22-18, 15x22, 25x18, 8-11, 29-25, 4-8, 24-20, 12-16, 25-22, 10-15, 21-17, 8-12, 17-14, 16-19, 23x16, 12x19, 27-23, 9-13, 23x16, 12x19, 27-23, 9-13, 23x16, 6-10, 32-27, 10x17, 18-14, 1-6, 27-23, 6-9, 14-10, 7x14, 16x7, 3x10, 23-19, 15x24, 28x19, 17-21, 20-16, 21-25, 30x21, 10-15, 19x10, 14-17, 21x14, 9x25, 26-23, 25-30, 16-11, 13-17, 10-7, 17-22, 7-3, 30-25, 31-27, 22-26, 27-24, 26-31, 24-20, 25-22, 23-19, 31-27 (draw)
Game of the Week #58 (5/27/97)
coachretired (blk) vs gober (white)
11-15, 22-18, 15x22, 25x18, 8-11, 29-25, 4-8, 24-20, 10-15, 25-22, 12-16, 21-17, 8-12, 17-13, 7-10, 27-24, 9-14, 18x9, 5x14, 32-27, 3-7, 24-19, 15x24, 28x19, 14-17, 22-18, 1-5, 26-22, 17x26, 31x22, 10-14, 18x9, 5x14, 22-18, 7-10, 18x9, 5x14, 22-18, 7-10, 18x9, 11-15, 20x11, 15x31, 11-7, 2x11, 9x2, 10-15, 2-6, 11-16, 6-10, 15-19, 10-15, 19x26, 30x23, 16-20, 15-19, 31-27, 23-18, 27-32, 18-14, 32-28, 14-9 (draw)
Game of the Week #59 (5/26/97)
cous (blk) vs paintbucket (white)
11-16, 22-18, 16-20, 24-19, 8-11, 25-22, 11-16, 29-25, 4-8, 18-14, 9x18, 22x15, 5-9, 25-22, 9-14, 22-18, 14-17, 21x14, 10x17, 26-22, 17x26, 31x22, 6-9, 28-24, 1-5, 15-11, 8x15, 18x11, 9-14, 11-8, 5-9, 30-25, 7-10, 25-21, 9-13, 22-18, 13-17, 18x9, 17-22, 8-4, 22-25, 4-8, 25-30, 8-11, 30-26, 11-15, 10-14, 15-18, 3-7, 9-5, 7-10, 18x9, 10-15, 19x10, 26x28, 27-23, 28-24, 9-14, 24-19, 23-18, 20-24, 5-1, 19-23, 21-17, 24-27, 1-5, 27-31, 17-13, 31-26, 32-28, 26-22, 18-15, 16-20, 15-11, 22-17, 14x21, 20-24, 28x19, 23x14, 5-1, 14-10, 21-17, 12-16, 1-5, 16-19, 5-9, 19-24, 9-14, 10-6, 14-18, 24-27, 18-23, 27-32, 17-22, 2-7, 22-18, 7-10, 23-19, 32-28, 19-16, 28-24, 16-11, 10-15, 18-23, 15-18, 23x14, 24-19, 14-17, 19-23, 11-15, 23-27, 17-14, 27-23, 14-10, 6-1, 13-9, 23-26, 15-18, 1-5, 10-14, 5-1, 9-5, 26-31, 18-23 (white wins)
Game # 60 (5/31/97)
omo (blk) vs paintbucket (white)
9-14, 22-18, 5-9, 18-15, 11x18, 21-17, 14x21, 23x5, 8-11, 25-22, 4-8, 22-17, 12-16, 26-22, 16-19, 24x15, 10x19, 22-18, 7-10, 17-13, 10-15, 30-26, 15x22, 26x17, 3-7, 31-26, 7-10, 27-23, 11-16, 23-18, 8-12, 26-22, 19-24, 28x19, 16x23, 18-14, 10-15, 14-10, 21-25, 17-14, 23-27, 32x23, 6-9, 13x6, 2x27, 22-17, 25-30, 17-14 (blk wins)
Game of the Week #61 (5/31/97)
atuck (blk) vs rcm1 (white)
11-16, 22-18, 16-19, 24x15, 10x19, 23x16, 12x19, 25-22, 9-14, 18x9, 5x14, 22-17, 6-10, 29-25, 8-11, 27-23, 4-8, 23x16, 11x20, 25-22,8-11, 17-13, 11-15, 22-18, 14x23, 26x19, 15x24, 28x19, 10-14, 19-16, 7-10, 16-11, 20-24, 30-26, 14-18, 13-9, 24-28, 9-5, 10-14, 31-27, 2-6, 27-24, 6-9, 24-19, 18-23, 26-22, 23-26, 22-17, 14-18, 17-13, 9-14, 19-15, 18-23, 15-10, 26-30, 11-7, 30-26, 7-2, 26-22, 10-7, 3x10, 2-6, 22-26, 6x25, 14-17, 21x14, 23-27, 32x23, 26x17, 13-9, 28-32, 9-6, 1x10 (blk wins)
Game of the Week #62 (5/31/97)
paintbucket (blk) vs. cous (white)
11-15, 24-20, 8-11, 28-24, 4-8, 23-19, 9-14, 22-17, 14-18, 17-14, 10x17, 21x14, 6-9, 19x10, 2-6, 26-23, 6x15, 23-19, 7-10, 14x7, 3x10, 31-26, 18-23, 27x18, 15x31, 32-27, 9-14, 25-22, 11-15, 20-16, 14-17, 22x13, 10-14, 19x10, 12x28, 27-24, 31-27, 24-20, 8-12, 10-7, 27-23, 30-25, 23-19, 7-3, 19-15, 3-7, 28-32, 25-21, 32-27, 29-25, 27-23, 25-22, 14-17, 21x14, 15-10, 22-18, 10x3, 18-15, 1-6, 14-10, 23-19, 10-1, 19-10 (blk wins)
Game of the Week #63 (6/1/97)
gloc (blk) vs atuck (white)
11-15, 23-19, 8-11, 22-17, 9-13, 17-14, 10x17, 21x14, 15-18, 19-15, 4-8, 24-19, 13-17, 28-24, 11-16, 26-23, 16-20, 15-10, 6x15, 19x10, 17-22, 23-19, 7-11, 19-15, 11-16, 25-21, 22-25, 29-22, 18x25, 21-17, 25-29, 17-13, 16-19, 32-28, 2-6, 31-26, 12-16, 14-9, 5x14, 13-9, 6x13, 10-7, 3x10, 15x6, 1x10, 24x6, 8-12, 6-2, 14-17, 2-7, 17-21, 7-10, 29-25, 10-14, 13-17, 14-18, 16-19, 26-22, 17x26, 30x16, 12x19, 18-15, 25-22, 15x24, 22-26, 24-19, 21-25, 19-15, 25-30, 15-19, 30-25, 19-15, 25-22, 15-19, 22-18, 28-24, 26-31, 19-23, 18-14, 23-19, 14-10, 19-23, 10-7, 23-19, 7-11, 19-16, 11-15, 16-19, 15-18, 19-23, 18-14, 23-19, 31-26, 19-15, 26-22, 24-19, 22-26, 19-16, 26-31, 27-23, 31-27, 16-11, 27x18, 15x22, 20-24, 11-8 (draw)
Game of the Week #64 (6/1/97)
atuck (blk) vs gloc (white)
11-16, 24-19, 8-11, 22-18, 16-20, 26-22, 10-14, 22-17, 7-10, 30-26, 11-16, 17-13, 3-7, 26-22, 14-17, 21x14, 10x26, 31x22, 7-10, 25-21, 4-8, 18-15, 9-14, 22-18, 5-9, 29-25, 2-7, 25-22, 8-11, 15x8, 7-11, 28-24, 10-15, 19x10, 6x15, 13x6, 1x10, 18x9, (white wins)
Game of the Week #65 (6/2/97)
atuck (blk) vs jbryns (white)
11-16, 22-18, 10-14, 25-22, 16-20, 29-25, 8-11, 18-15, 11x18, 22x15, 4-8, 26-22, 7-10, 31-26, 10x19, 24x15, 6-10, 15x6, 1x10, 22-17, 9-13, 25-22, 8-11, 23-18, 14x23, 27x18, 10-15, 26-23, 12-16, 18-14, 15-19, 30-26, 3-8, 14-9, 5x14, 17x10, 11-15, 32-27, 8-12, 10-6, 2x9, 23-18, 9-14, 18x9, 15-18, 22x15, 19-24, 28x19, 16x30, 27-23, 30-26, 23-18, 26-23, 18-14, 23-18, 15-10, 13-17, 10-7, 20-24, 7-2, 17-22, 21-17, 22-26, 17-13, 18-22, 14-10, 22-18, 2-7, 12-16, 9-6 (draw)
Game of the Week #66 (6/2/97)
atuck (blk) vs jbyrns (white)
11-16, 22-17, 9-14, 25-22, 8-11, 24-19, 11-15, 17-13, 15x24, 28-19, 4-8, 22-18, 8-11, 18-x9, 5x14, 29-25, 16-20, 25-22, 11-16, 30-25, 14-17, 21x14, 10x17, 13-9, 6x13, 25-21, 2-6, 21x14, 6-10, 14-9, 10-14, 22-18, 14-17, 18-15, 17-22, 26x17, 13x22, 9-6, 1x10, 15x6, 7-10, 6-2, 10-14, 2-6, 14-17, 6-10, 17-21, 10-15, 3-8, 15-10, 21-25, 10-14, 25-30, 14-10, 30-25, 10-7, 25-30, 19-15, 30-26, 23-18, 16-19, 15-11, 8x15, 18-11, 26-30, 11-8, 30-25, 7-11, 22-26, 31x22, 25x18,11-16, 19-24, 16-19, 24x31, 19-24, 20x27, 32x14 (draw)
Game of the Week #67 (Pickle Barrel)(6/8/97)
atuck (blk) vs gloc (white)
11-16, 22-18, 8-11, 25-22, 10-14, 29-25, 16-20, 24-19, 11-16, 18-15, 4-8, 28-24, 7-10, 15-11, 8x15, 23-18, 14x23, 27x11, 20x27, 31x24, 16x23, 26x19, 10-15, 19x10, 6x15, 11-8, 2-7, 24-20, 7-11, 21-17, 12-16, 8-4, 16-19, 17-13, 1-6, 22-17, 19-23, 25-22, 15-19, 22-18, 19-24, 32-18, 24-27, 28-24, 27-31, 24-19, 31-26, 17-14, 26-22, 19-15, 22-17, 15x8, 17x10 (blk wins)
Game of the Week #68 (6/8/97)
paintbucket(blk) vs jbyrns (white)
11-15, 23-18, 9-14, 18x11, 8x15, 22-17, 4-8, 26-23, 14-18, 23x14, 6-9, 24-19, 15x24, 28x19, 9x18, 30-26, 2-6, 17-14, 10-17, 21x14, 6-10, 25-21, 10x17, 21x14, 1-6, 29-25, 6-9, 26-22, 7-11, 22x15, 9x18, 15-10, 11-15, 32-28, 15x24, 28x19, 5-9, 10-7, 3x10, 19-16, 12x19, 27-23, 19x26, 31x6, 8-11, 6-2, 9-13, 2-7, (draw)
Game of the Week #69 (Pickle Barrel) (6/11/97)
atuck (blk) vs gloc (white)
11-16, 22-18, 8-11, 25-22, 16-20, 29-25, 10-14, 24-19, 11-16, 18-15, 4-8, 28-24, 7-10, 15-11, 8-15, 23-18, 14-23, 27-11, 16-23, 26-19, 20-27, 31-24, 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 24-20*-A, 9-13, 11-8, 5-9, 8-4, 9-14, 4-8, 2-7, 8-4, 1-6, 4-8, 15-19-B, 20-16, 7-10, 8-11, 19-24, 32-28, 12-19, 11-16, 3-7, 16-23, 14-18, 28-19, 18-27, 22-18,7-11, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 13-17, 25-22, 17-26, 30-23, 27-31, 23-18, 31-26, 18-15, 26-22, 15-8, 22-15, 14-10 (DRAW)
Game of the Week #70 (Jaywalker Opening) ACFB#69 (7/13/97)
llion (blk) vs atuck (white)
11-16, 24-19, 8-11, 22-18, 16-20, 25-22, 4-8, 30-25, 11-16, 22-17, 10-14, 17x10, 6x24, 28x19, 7-10, 26-22, 10-14, 19-15, 16-19, 23x16, 14x23, 27x18, 12x19, 15-11, 8x15, 18x11, 9-13, 22-18, 5-9, 18-15, 9-14, 15-10, 19-23, 10-7, 3x10, 11-8, 10-15, 8-3, 15-18, 25-22, 18x25, 29x22, 23-26, 22-18, 14x23, 31x22, 23-26, 22-18, 1-6 (blk wins)
Game of the Week #71
omo (Blk)) vs Rusms (White)
Zone Game Aug 17, 1997
11-15, 23-19, 8-11, 22-17, 3-8, 26-23, 11-16, 25-22, 7-11, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 9-13, 27-24, 5-9, 30-25, 1-5, 32-28, 9-14, 22-18, 13-22, 18-9, 5-14, 25-9, 6-13, 29-25, 10-14, 25-22, 14-18, 22-15, 11-27, 20-11, 8-15, 19-10, 27-32, 24-19, 4-8, 19-15, 12-16, 28-24, 16-19, 24-20, 19-23, 20-16 (31-27, 23-26, 27-23, 26-31, 23-19, 31-26 etc ( probably draws), 23-27!, 31-24, 2-7, 10-3, 32-27, 3-12, 27-15 (blk wins)